




well had a pretty nice and fun day with elaine fang lin shilesse celine song kl kin wai jon and jordon lols everything went pretty well lols
we even planned a surprise for elaine lols ngee song and kwan leng went to get roses
while i went to buy the strawberry cake
everything turned out pretty well we took quite a number of pictures lols
we ate near my house the coffee shop and well elaine ordered all the dishes
her menu seems to have healthy as a theme lols
the gals went home quite early and as usual the guys came over to my house and had some drinks lols haha well all left at around 12 ba
now let the pictures do some talking im still waiting for elaine to send me the rest of the pictures lols any way HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELAINE !! hope u enjoyed today
HAHA! xD & th rare picture really rare ah?! LOLS xDD